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Part Time

Part Time


Part Time

Part Time


You'll learn to display God's power and live a supernatural lifestyle around your other responsibilities!


Healing in Action in Indonesia

Singing Freedom Over Villagers


Part-Time Study

Raising a generation of revivalists

  • 12 month course
    (with continuing 2nd and 3rd years)

  • Geographic hub groups in your state so you study locally

  • Orientation from 21st July, first week starts 28th July 2025. - Applications close 3rd July 2025.

  • Tuition fee: $42 per week (for 16 months)

    • Couples, Scholarship and Special Consideration plans available.

    • Saving available for upfront payment

  • Optional mission trip (by application) (extra cost)

Requirement: Approx. 6.5 hours per week

  • 2 x lectures online (flexible 3 hours)

  • Reading (1.5 hours)

  • Homework (30 mins)

  • Live team training

    (Scheduled fortnightly online classes or fortnightly face-to-face classes, and 2 x Intensives yearly: 1-weekend & 1-weekday)

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Study First Year F

We've been designed as a resting place for the Spirit of God, changing every environment we walk into

- Bill Johnson

Study First Year F

We've been designed as a resting place for the Spirit of God, changing every environment we walk into

- Bill Johnson

The School of Faith Course

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Learn to live a naturally supernatural lifestyle through the School of Faith course featuring the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry Curriculum. 

The course is intended to teach you to carry God's presence with you into Australia and the nations. You'll strengthen your identity as a child of God and be empowered to demonstrate God's power to reveal His love. You'll move in your gifts and passions, gain ministry experience and learn practical skills to fulfil your call (whether business, arts, ministry or more) - all as we minister to the people of Australia. When you graduate, you'll also have established a network of people to partner with you in your next step.

This course is about walking with Jesus, establishing your call and building a legacy with God together.

The part-time course can be studied from anywhere in Australia. The course is up to three years, with options to stop after first or second years.


The Course F






The Course F






Study First Year


The First Year course is comprised of lectures, practical tutorials, experiences, revival groups, mentoring, and outreach that culminates in a missions trip.

In First Year you'll discover and unlock what is already true in you. You were made glorious from your first moment, it's time to take hold of your inheritance! You’ll learn to understand who you are a son or daughter and what we have access to, so we can then take that knowledge into Australia to tell people about Jesus and unite our nation. As Jesus restored everything to you on the cross we know the battle is now for the mind to activate what we already have. 

The course will bring a greater intimacy with God, activate and grow faith, practically demonstrate supernatural ministry, as well as give you natural skills like administration for ministry, emotional IQ, diligence and leadership. You'll also understand how intimacy with God applies in society today as we influence our modern community. So whether you’re an apostle or doctor, the School of Faith will help will get you there.

This is not intended to be your last year of study in life but your first year of walking more intimately with God into your call for the rest of your life.

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Structure F


If we’re to go further than ever before, we need God’s confirming signs and wonders to point us there.

- Bill Johnson




Structure F


If we’re to go further than ever before, we need God’s confirming signs and wonders to point us there.

- Bill Johnson





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The course employs lectures and reading to lay a foundation. We then meet in fortnightly groups either online or face-to-face. The groups are assigned geographically by city or state, so you've got people close to you to study alongside. The course also includes 2 mandatory 2-day intensives during the year in your capital city where activation will be your focus.

We think you’ll also get as much from the atmosphere and life with other students as you do from in-class lecture-based teaching. Knowing there are multiple ways students develop, we employ a 'teach, discover, practice' philosophy. You'll learn from books, talks, your own study and by doing. Remember, as you seek, the chief instructor on campus, the Holy Spirit, will reveal more to you. 

Alongside face-to-face in-class teaching and learning, there will be local ministry opportunities and mission trips. Students may choose to go on a local trip or an overseas trip to practice all that they have learned. 


Our booklist covers histories of the lives of those who have moved in great signs and wonders in the past, strong teaching from the present, and foundational works that we consider are a spiritual inheritance written down by those who have come before us. 


Tristan & Sian Conway School Founders

You'll be tutored in live classes by a combination of those who hold five-fold ministry offices, Bethel alumni, and guest speakers. You'll also study under BSSM Redding staff via prepared video. Your tutors are all presently ministering in areas they are instructing, with experience in practical supernatural living. 

how to ENROL

Check out the application details and important dates if you're ready to enrol! 


Testimonies F

Our Stories...

Testimonies F

Our Stories...

...For His Glory

God WILL use you!

He's just waiting for you to say 'yes' to His invitation... 

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Student Testimonials F






Student Testimonials F






[Our instructors] inspire leaders into the impossible and set fire to complacency. 
They inspired me to become more dangerous for Jesus and take on challenges that I otherwise would have felt ill-equipped for.

- Maie, Ministry Training 2016

I began to walk with great faith and boldness into any and every situation because I started to understand for myself what it meant to be a child of God.


- Kate, Mission Training 2014

It was new teaching on the supernatural I hadn't heard before, which I have seen fruit from, and has lead me into deeper intimacy with God. What I liked most though was that we practiced doing what we were learning in the training session.

- Phil, Mission Training 2015